Sunday, December 19, 2010

Free Animated Emoticons

Why we believe in FREE emoticons

You might ask where's the catch, there must be one. Right? No charge for such high quality innovative emoticons? What's going on? Why do you give all your emoticons away, without charge? Good question. Firstly, you're right. They are chargeless - 100% complimentary. Once you download our free emoticons, you're free to do with them as you like. If you like to use them with msn messenger live, take a look at the msn emoticons page.

Lots of people want a free lunch when it comes to downloading from the Internet so we decided to give people what they want. For us, free emoticons are about having fun. Simple, tasteful, honest and most importantly FREE fun. We love designing free emoticons and creating innovative new ideas and we're happy to do that for love. We are totally nuts about msn emoticons. We figure, if they're free emoticons more people will download them and have fun and we want as many people as possible to join in the fun.

Be free to express emotions

Why is this important? When we're chatting in msn messenger we use the free emotions icons to show feelings. For example we use an icon to show angry, happy, sad, confused and tired because it's more fun than typing. Also it shows the expression that's on our funny little faces that the person we're chatting to can't see (unless of course we're using webcams). Another reason why we love to use the free emotions is that it's easier and faster to show emotion with free emotions than typing how we feel. This is especially useful when it comes to real time communication (e.g. windows live messenger). Sometimes we're not sure how we feel and we take a look at the free emotions in messenger live and one will jump out that resonates with how we feel at that very second. We're sure there are more reasons why we like free emotions but these are the most important!

Why you should download free smileys

We say, why not? They're free smileys! Let's face it; we all sit at our desks for hours typing away on our computers. It can get boring especially if it's work work work. Free smileys liven it up - in an instant. Sometimes we can't stop laughing at the free smileys that our friends send us. You'd be amazed how often it's just at the right moment when we're looking for a distraction. Free smileys are especially fun because there are so many emotions that the smiley character can express.

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