Monday, March 28, 2011

MSN Emoticons & Smileys - Show MSN Emoticons

For msn emoticons addicts, MSN Messenger is the only option

MSN Messenger is the most popular instant messenger application outside the USA. Without a doubt MSN Messenger is the instant messenger application of choice for msn emoticons lovers. The website is just one example of this craze. MSN Messenger uses the word 'emoticon' to refer to their little msn emoticons.

Although the emoticons built into the MSN Messenger application are good they're not the best ones available. Because msn live messenger allows users to add their own custom emoticons, a lot of innovative msn emoticons have been designed especially for MSN Messenger by fans. The custom msn emoticons feature supports animated msn emoticons up to 50x50 pixels. To find out more about MSN Messenger features, take a look at our msn emoticons - where to use page. If you like adding your own msn emoticons, download them on our free emoticons page.

What are msn emotions?

You could say msn emotions are the emotions (or feelings) you express in msn messenger live. Alternatively, the phrase 'msn emotions' can get typed into Google search because people mistype the word 'emoticon' and leave out the 'c'. We're not sure but what we do know is that when we're chatting in msn messenger we use the msn emotion icons to show feelings. For example we use an icon to show angry, happy, sad, confused and tired because it's more fun than typing and it conveys the expression that's on our faces that can't be seen when we can't see the person we're talking to. So the msn emotions are a reflection of the free emotions that appears on our faces. Another important reason to use msn emotions is that it's easier and faster to show emotion with msn emotions that typing how we feel which is especially useful when it comes to real time communication.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Girls MSN Emoticons to Express Girlie MSN Emotions

We did some msn emoticons research with girls and lovely ladies we know - young and old. Then we created this collection of free msn emoticons for all the lovely ladies out there. They've been very popular since we unleashed them. We've kept adding msn emoticons to the collection to appeal to lots of different types of girls so they can express any female msn emotions.

Using girlie free emoticons

The Princess Smiley and teddy bear are for young schoolgirls - spring chickens! All girls love flowers (we think!) so flowers had to be part of this total babe msn emoticons collection. Msn emoticons for messenger are important when you're getting ready to go on a date. We love the 'Miss Luscious Lips' msn emoticon - if she had hair she'd be blonde for sure. If you love babies or know someone who's just had one - send them one of the baby doll msn emotions. Those big eyes are inspired by the Simpson's baby 'Maggie' who's permanently sucking a dummy.

Little Miss Innocent?

Lots of girls love to appear to be totally angelic. The expression 'as if butter couldn't melt' springs to mind. They love making other people think they've got this halo over their head. That's why we have an angel and princess msn emoticons. A perfect Little Miss. However, inside lurks the naughty girl that's not so innocent, the minx that can't wait to get out. We've saved that msn emoticons persona for the world of adult emoticons.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bad Boys MSN Smileys & Adult Emoticons

These bad boys free emoticons have sure got some attitude. They're on the verge of being called, 'adult emoticons'. They think they're soooo smooth and they want to show it. It's all about kudos and respect. These msn smileys know what they want. They want everyone to see them.

They're free emoticons so what's stopping you? A lot of people have downloaded them, they're our most popular collection. Use these bad boys free emoticons in msn messenger chats and you'll gain instant respect. We've tried it and it works. And by the way, girls can use these free emoticons too. We know some 'bad girls' who love them.