Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas emoticons & smileys

We have two categories... for Christmas. Christmas-1 and Christmas-2. Obviously... because Jesus was born. Because we can eat gingerbread men and decorate Christmas trees. Because we can give cards and receive them from distant relatives and old family friends.

Because we can watch Frosty... on television. Think about... the North Pole, which is where Santa comes from. Best of all, there is mistletoe. And people need to stay warm, so... click here to download. They are emoticons! For MSN Messenger! And they are free!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Smileys Avatars and Emoticon Avatars

Our little msn emoticons and msn smileys have huge personalities. We at My Emoticons all agree on this. So we decided to make some of Our Favourite Emoticons into emoticon avatars so that people that visit My Emoticons can find their favourite emoticon and choose a matching emoticon avatar. They are our favorite emoticon avatars. They are definitively THE BEST! If you're like us and get bored searching for cool avatars and display images, you can stop now. It was a tough decision but these are our most special msn smileys that we've made into avatars.

Emoticon avatars for every msn emotion
Angelic, angry, in love, chilled out, happy - let's face it, our msn emotions change throughout the day. At My Emoticons we've found that some days our mood changes several times, other days we're more stable. Avatars are very easy to use to display our mood to anyone that cares to look. We don't need to start a MSN conversation with someone to show how we feel, they can see it in our display picture. Although we all love MSN Messenger, the good news is that you can use display images and avatars with MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL Messenger, and MySpace - oh, and email.

More favourites from My Emoticons
We like creating 'the best of' collections. In fact we recently looked around and noticed no one has reviewed all the emoticons on the web. That's right; no one is helping people decide which msn emoticons should be the most popular when it comes to expressing specific msn emotions. Of course there are ads, but they're biased. How do you know where to find the best emoticons? We've done the searching - the hard work. Take a look at our Emoticon Critic pages to see our favourite msn emoticons and msn smileys for the following msn emotions: Animals Emoticons, Hug & Kiss Emoticons, Love Emoticons, Rude Emoticons, Cool Emoticons, Funny Emoticons, Cute Emoticons, Sport Emoticons and Japanese Emoticons.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

MSN Smileys Download

We love action so we got these msn smileys into action too. We think actions are a cool way to express msn emotions. There's nothing an msn smiley can't do in our opinion. We created caffeine addict msn smiley who never stops drinking coffee because at My Emoticons we all love coffee. Coffee's what stirs us up and gets is into full on action. We wanted to create lively energized msn smileys in motion.
MSN smileys get energised
We thought about activities we like and msn emotions we might want to use in msn messenger chats. Any kind of action - sports, sleeping, cooking, playing games, watching TV etc. You name it, msn smileys do it. Msn smileys even do surfing stunts and weight lifting. We really like the way the color fades from smiley's face as he works out. The msn emotions he shows to react to the heavy weight is hilarious. These msn smileys are all about being in motion.

Want more lively msn emotions?
You'll find other lively msn smileys on our site. If you like showing romantic msn emotions, take a look at our romance emoticons collection. Ok, so you like our msn emotions but what about all the others out there? These are the best sport emoticons on the web that we've found. And another thing, we made all the msn smileys on this page into smiley in action avatars. They're good for using with msn messenger (now called windows messenger live) and yahoo messenger If you llike ascii action msn smileys, take a look at this text emoticons page.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Free Aussie Emoticons & Smileys - Download from MyEmoticons.com

This Australian free emoticons collection is very stereotypical, we must admit. Given that we have a few Australian friends we decided it was essential to create these free emoticons. Australians are sporty - they love cricket, rugby, netball, cycling, rowing, swimming and have some strong national teams in these sports. That's why we had to have a few sports free emotions here.

Live to surf!

If you've ever watched the soap opera 'Home and Away', you'll know life revolves around beaches and surfing (well it does if you live near the coast!). That's why our free emoticons collection wouldn't be complete without free smileys that reflect beach life - a beach free emoticon and an free smiley surfing. Lifesavers are very important so we acknowledge them we free smileys in our collection.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bling Bling MSN Emoticons - Express Bling MSN Emotions!

When we created this msn emoticons collection, 'bling' was the word on the street. Think of Ali G or hip hop if you don't know what we mean when we're talking about bling free msn emotions. We decided we wanted to bring some 'bllng' msn emotion to My Emoticons. Bling is all about being flashy and flaunting what you've got. Think full on grandiosity. We wanted to make sure we got the flash factor into our msn emoticons designs.

This is a rich man's world (they don't need free msn emoticons!). The greater your spending power the more successful you're seen to be. We started our collection with msn emoticons that we think capture the bling persona.

Some rappers have spoken out against bling culture. Missy Elliott spoke out against the bling culture because she believed it was encouraging young black men and women to spend their money irresponsibly. We say, good point! We want our msn emoticons to be about having fun. Perhaps we should create black msn emoticons instead of yellow ones for the bling msn emoticons collection.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hobbies Leisure Emoticons & Smileys

Cooking... and eating... are awesome. Brewing and barbecuing start with Bs! These pictures are amazing. For MSN Messenger! Text... emoticons. Do you want to text... what you want to eat tonight?

Let's talk about it. Beg for food... from your grandmother. Beg for food... from your mom. Let's barbeque in the kitchen! And cook... in the backyard. Just talk emoticons. Smiley emoticons... for Messenger. For MSN Messenger. Click here to download. Today! We're hungry! Let's talk about it...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Patriotic Military Emoticons & Smileys

Troops... are soldiers. In the plural. Well, soldiers is plural. But troops is another word. You should stand by them. They go on boats and fly in airplanes to fight in foreign wars. They like to topple governments.

America has the best shoulders. The best shoulders... since Rome or the French Republic. Literally... unusually forgotten fact... after their 1789 Revolution the French armies were terrifying to monarchies across the globe. You can click here to download. These are emoticons... about soldiers. You might want to check out the military and patriotism category of emoticons.

Download Patriotic Military Emoticons

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Communicate Emoticons & Smileys

Been there, done that. Been there, written that. You write these things everyday. Let's just shorthand this with a picture. Are you really...

You think I'm nuts? Let's party... Question mark? All of these things come on in an emoticon for MSN Messenger. There's no reason to write... mommy loves you. We have it written with a picture of your mother, with cat eyes, with swirling hearts around it, here. You can click here to download.

Monday, March 28, 2011

MSN Emoticons & Smileys - Show MSN Emoticons

For msn emoticons addicts, MSN Messenger is the only option

MSN Messenger is the most popular instant messenger application outside the USA. Without a doubt MSN Messenger is the instant messenger application of choice for msn emoticons lovers. The website www.mess.be is just one example of this craze. MSN Messenger uses the word 'emoticon' to refer to their little msn emoticons.

Although the emoticons built into the MSN Messenger application are good they're not the best ones available. Because msn live messenger allows users to add their own custom emoticons, a lot of innovative msn emoticons have been designed especially for MSN Messenger by fans. The custom msn emoticons feature supports animated msn emoticons up to 50x50 pixels. To find out more about MSN Messenger features, take a look at our msn emoticons - where to use page. If you like adding your own msn emoticons, download them on our free emoticons page.

What are msn emotions?

You could say msn emotions are the emotions (or feelings) you express in msn messenger live. Alternatively, the phrase 'msn emotions' can get typed into Google search because people mistype the word 'emoticon' and leave out the 'c'. We're not sure but what we do know is that when we're chatting in msn messenger we use the msn emotion icons to show feelings. For example we use an icon to show angry, happy, sad, confused and tired because it's more fun than typing and it conveys the expression that's on our faces that can't be seen when we can't see the person we're talking to. So the msn emotions are a reflection of the free emotions that appears on our faces. Another important reason to use msn emotions is that it's easier and faster to show emotion with msn emotions that typing how we feel which is especially useful when it comes to real time communication.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Girls MSN Emoticons to Express Girlie MSN Emotions

We did some msn emoticons research with girls and lovely ladies we know - young and old. Then we created this collection of free msn emoticons for all the lovely ladies out there. They've been very popular since we unleashed them. We've kept adding msn emoticons to the collection to appeal to lots of different types of girls so they can express any female msn emotions.

Using girlie free emoticons

The Princess Smiley and teddy bear are for young schoolgirls - spring chickens! All girls love flowers (we think!) so flowers had to be part of this total babe msn emoticons collection. Msn emoticons for messenger are important when you're getting ready to go on a date. We love the 'Miss Luscious Lips' msn emoticon - if she had hair she'd be blonde for sure. If you love babies or know someone who's just had one - send them one of the baby doll msn emotions. Those big eyes are inspired by the Simpson's baby 'Maggie' who's permanently sucking a dummy.

Little Miss Innocent?

Lots of girls love to appear to be totally angelic. The expression 'as if butter couldn't melt' springs to mind. They love making other people think they've got this halo over their head. That's why we have an angel and princess msn emoticons. A perfect Little Miss. However, inside lurks the naughty girl that's not so innocent, the minx that can't wait to get out. We've saved that msn emoticons persona for the world of adult emoticons.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bad Boys MSN Smileys & Adult Emoticons

These bad boys free emoticons have sure got some attitude. They're on the verge of being called, 'adult emoticons'. They think they're soooo smooth and they want to show it. It's all about kudos and respect. These msn smileys know what they want. They want everyone to see them.

They're free emoticons so what's stopping you? A lot of people have downloaded them, they're our most popular collection. Use these bad boys free emoticons in msn messenger chats and you'll gain instant respect. We've tried it and it works. And by the way, girls can use these free emoticons too. We know some 'bad girls' who love them.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Famous Emoticons & Smileys

Female singers... are attractive. They dance and sing and rock... to the music. And they talk about love. And some of them have red hair, and some of them have brown hair, and some of them are blondes. A lot of them are AMAZING. Some are both. No offense... to the brown haired ones, btw.

So when we were making these emoticons, we were thinking about them. Red hair and brown hair and blondes. We were thinking about... you talking to them. Or talking ABOUT them... to your friends... over Messenger. So we made... emoticons of them! Seriously, just click here to download. And download... today! Text, type, converse... today. Just text with emoticons!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Free Animated Entertainment Emoticons & Smileys

Have you ever wanted to ask a girl... to go to the dance... . but you were too shy? Cat got your tongue? Didn't have the words... to roll rico suave off of your tongue? Well, now there's no point for words. No point for words... because we have emoticons. MSN emoticons. For Messenger.

Download Free Entertainment Emoticons & Smileys